.Ottilie.: [ how I wonder what you are ]
.Ottilie.: [ s t r i p e s ]
.Ottilie.: [ like a record, baby ]
.Ottilie.: [ p o l l i w o p ]
.Ottilie.: [ some roads aren't meant to be travelled alone ]
.Ottilie.: [ h e a r t ]
.Ottilie.: [ houses ]
.Ottilie.: [ trees are poems that earth writes upon the sky ... ]
.Ottilie.: [ chemical love ]
.Ottilie.: [ s o m e w h e r e ]
.Ottilie.: (007/365)
.Ottilie.: [ little fluffy cloud ] ... (031/365)
.Ottilie.: [ s n o w y ] ... (040/365)
.Ottilie.: (046/365)
.Ottilie.: [ spread your wings ]
.Ottilie.: [ blue eyes ]
.Ottilie.: [ w h i s p e r s ]
.Ottilie.: [ the sky's ]
.Ottilie.: [ d o r o t h y ]
.Ottilie.: ♥-♥-♥
.Ottilie.: [ the odd one out ]
.Ottilie.: [ freshly cut ]
.Ottilie.: [ b u n c h ]
.Ottilie.: [ the sweetest thing ]