.Ottilie.: [ shooting star ]
.Ottilie.: [ the bittersweet between my teeth ]
.Ottilie.: [ blah blah blah ]
.Ottilie.: [ p a c m a n ] ... (269/365)
.Ottilie.: [ g l o s s ] ... (268/365)
.Ottilie.: [ j'adore ] ... (259/365)
.Ottilie.: [ taste ] ... (247/365)
.Ottilie.: [ crush ] ... (235/365)
.Ottilie.: (214/365)
.Ottilie.: [ cannibalism ] ... (210/365)
.Ottilie.: [ cherry ]
.Ottilie.: [ cherry ] ... (202/365)
.Ottilie.: [ fear ] ... (158/365)
.Ottilie.: [ h u s h ] ... (128/365)
.Ottilie.: [ l i c k ] ... (123/365)
.Ottilie.: (111/365)
.Ottilie.: [ if you take the '&' out of M&M, it says 'MM' ... that must be because they taste so good ] ... (106/365)
.Ottilie.: [ I Doubt It ] ... (087/365)
.Ottilie.: [ yum ] ... (095/365)
.Ottilie.: [ button it ] ... (052/365)
.Ottilie.: [ eye eye ] ... (028/365)
.Ottilie.: [ KISS ] ... (019/365)
.Ottilie.: Munch
.Ottilie.: [ I love photography ]
.Ottilie.: [ tongue tied ]
.Ottilie.: [ * L I C K * ]
.Ottilie.: [ s l u r p l e ]
.Ottilie.: [ not all that glitters ]