Otterhaus: Broadcast tower, Kushiro
Otterhaus: Ventilation tower, Kawasaki
Otterhaus: Pump station, Urawa
Otterhaus: Demolition site, Kushiro
Otterhaus: Windmill + Plant, Shizuoka
Otterhaus: Oil fence + Kombinat, Omigawa
Otterhaus: Water pipe bridge, Asaka
Otterhaus: Bridge pillar, Tokyo
Otterhaus: Rubber gate, Saga
Otterhaus: Condominium complex, Urayasu
Otterhaus: Blue plastic sheet, Toyama
Otterhaus: Lock keepers cottage, Toyama
Otterhaus: Curve sign, Omigawa
Otterhaus: Dike, Isahaya
Otterhaus: Drainage canal, Izunokuni
Otterhaus: Floodwall gate, Makinohara
Otterhaus: Land redevelopment, Tokyo
Otterhaus: Stealth substation, Tokyo
Otterhaus: Pier, Neeltje Jans
Otterhaus: Observation cabin, Gräfenhainichen
Otterhaus: Keep off the kombinat, Omigawa
Otterhaus: Broadcast towers on the snow bank, Kushiro
Otterhaus: Drainage tunnels, Izunokuni
Otterhaus: Grating crib works, Tsumagoi
Otterhaus: River bank mowing, Matsudo
Otterhaus: Elevated highway over the canal, Tokyo
Otterhaus: Concrete plant, Tokyo
Otterhaus: Elevated highway, Tokyo
Otterhaus: Silo, Thieu
Otterhaus: Elevated highway, Tokyo