otherstories: doing it herself.
otherstories: me sweaty from gardening and playing at playgrounds all day.
otherstories: 0724081557.jpg
otherstories: With her head in the clouds...
otherstories: 0724081703.jpg
otherstories: 0724081705.jpg
otherstories: I got off on the wrong floor.
otherstories: baby cucumber
otherstories: yard view.
otherstories: watching the damsel fly drink water from tomato leaves.
otherstories: nice sized cucumber hiding under massive leaves.
otherstories: 0724081555.jpg
otherstories: squinty love.
otherstories: water playground.
otherstories: christine misting the garden
otherstories: Trinitas Hospital, Elizabeth NJ
otherstories: 0724081527a.jpg
otherstories: water squirting sea horses....
otherstories: 0724081526b.jpg
otherstories: 0724081559a.jpg
otherstories: standing on the edge, watching the others.
otherstories: my little girl.
otherstories: Elizabeth, NJ
otherstories: Kaya loves this playground.
otherstories: 0724081233a.jpg
otherstories: giant cucumber leaves and harvested lettuce mix.
otherstories: Psalms 41:1
otherstories: Kaya & Brianna
otherstories: 0724081026.jpg
otherstories: SFG: month 4.