OTEIN: Parlamento
OTEIN: Charing Cross
OTEIN: The Thames
OTEIN: Iconos Londinenses
OTEIN: Circulando
OTEIN: The Thames
OTEIN: Nuevas formas
OTEIN: Ovoide Cristalino
OTEIN: The George on the Strand
OTEIN: Sicilia en Portobello
OTEIN: Scots Guards
OTEIN: Transporte colectivo
OTEIN: Atardecer Nublado
OTEIN: Palos y Pelotas
OTEIN: Bus shit
OTEIN: London
OTEIN: Piccadilly
OTEIN: Lotus Evora
OTEIN: Head of Invention (Eduardo Paolozzi)
OTEIN: Shard
OTEIN: Liberty
OTEIN: Spain today
OTEIN: Foto obligatoria
OTEIN: Artistas noveles
OTEIN: Quesos
OTEIN: Quesos
OTEIN: Quesos
OTEIN: Fotógrafo londinense
OTEIN: Comedores o bebedores
OTEIN: Caca pinchá en un palo