otakuchick: So gloomy
otakuchick: Mt. St. Helens
otakuchick: Mt. Rainier
otakuchick: Zune? Really?
otakuchick: More mountains..
otakuchick: Is that our gate?
otakuchick: Snowing in Dallas
otakuchick: More snow in Dallas
otakuchick: Don't be sad
otakuchick: and waiting...
otakuchick: Yay for thumb puppets!
otakuchick: Crammed in..
otakuchick: Still crammed..
otakuchick: Waiting to see what we have...
otakuchick: finding out..
otakuchick: The gold van of hope!
otakuchick: Jeremy approves
otakuchick: Peter and his princess
otakuchick: Uhm.. yeah
otakuchick: Unkin' Donuts
otakuchick: Pitstop on the way to Austin
otakuchick: My hotel room!
otakuchick: Really.. really.. tired
otakuchick: The view.. ehh
otakuchick: Weiner Mobile
otakuchick: By the river
otakuchick: A lil bridge
otakuchick: The river
otakuchick: Mexican-American Cultural Center
otakuchick: My shadow