Gail Langellotto: Harvest!
Gail Langellotto: Multnomah County Master Gardeners (and Weston)
Gail Langellotto: Purple Daisies
Gail Langellotto: Square Foot Garden with Trellis
Gail Langellotto: Hoop House
Gail Langellotto: Caneberry Training
Gail Langellotto: Plant Starts in Greenhouse
Gail Langellotto: Propagation Bounty!
Gail Langellotto: Begonia 'Dragon Wing Pink'
Gail Langellotto: Purple Coral Bells (?)
Gail Langellotto: Trays of Plant Starts
Gail Langellotto: Newport Demonstration Garden at Oregon Coast Community College
Gail Langellotto: Before Shot of the Yachats Demonstration Community Garden
Gail Langellotto: After Shot of the Yachats Demonstration Community Garden
Gail Langellotto: Lincoln City Demonstration Garden at Oregon Coast Community College
Gail Langellotto: Lincoln City Demonstration Garden at Oregon Coast Community College
Gail Langellotto: Newport Demonstration Garden at Oregon Coast Community College