Gail Langellotto: Insecticides
Gail Langellotto: Dipel Dust Label
Gail Langellotto: Safer Tomato and Vegetable Insect Killer
Gail Langellotto: Active Ingrediants of Safer Tomato and Vegetable Insect Killer
Gail Langellotto: Active Ingrediant of Dipel Dust
Gail Langellotto: Dipel Dust Container
Gail Langellotto: Dipel Dust Container
Gail Langellotto: Various Herbicide Concentrates
Gail Langellotto: Various Ready to Use Pesticide Formulations
Gail Langellotto: Fungicides
Gail Langellotto: 3-in-1 Pesticide
Gail Langellotto: July 2019 Bee Sampling and IMGC Longwood