Gail Langellotto: Acer rubrum (Red Maple)
Gail Langellotto: Quercus rubra (Red Oak)
Gail Langellotto: Ulmus americana (American Elm) leaves on top of Viburnum opulus "nana" (Cranberry bush viburnum)
Gail Langellotto: The specimen on the right, foreground is Ulmus americana (American Elm)
Gail Langellotto: Ulmus americana (American Elm)
Gail Langellotto: Quercus robur seedling (English oak or pedunculate oak)
Gail Langellotto: Rhododendron 'Alice'? (I'm unsure of the cultivar)
Gail Langellotto: Cornus kousa (Kousa Dogwood)
Gail Langellotto: Left Side: Querqus rubra (Red Oak) on the foreground, with Sequoiadendron giganteum (Sierra Redwood) in the background.
Gail Langellotto: Ulmus americana (American elm) in the background.
Gail Langellotto: Spring at OSU
Gail Langellotto: Spring at OSU
Gail Langellotto: Green Mulch and Plantings
Gail Langellotto: Japanese sculpture in terraced garden.
Gail Langellotto: Welded Garden Arbor
Gail Langellotto: Clematis 'Blue Light'
Gail Langellotto: Foliage on Top of Trellis
Gail Langellotto: Vertical Garden
Gail Langellotto: OSU Garden Gnome
Gail Langellotto: Ironwood Decking
Gail Langellotto: Wagon Wheel as Trellis / Garden Art
Gail Langellotto: Rheebar Scultpure
Gail Langellotto: Garden Shed
Gail Langellotto: Painted Fence
Gail Langellotto: Frogs in the Garden
Gail Langellotto: Clematis
Gail Langellotto: Bird Bath
Gail Langellotto: Whimsy in the Garden
Gail Langellotto: Hardscape Patterns
Gail Langellotto: Hardscape Patterns