OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Dairy and Beef Cattle Parade, Morrow County 4-H Club Fair, ca. 1938
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: O.T. McWhorter, extension horticulturist, talking to a group of fruit growers in Milton-Freewater, Umatilla County, ca. 1929
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: R.S. Besse teaching in Farm Account School, Hermiston, Umatilla County ca. 1928
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Tug-of-War, Morrow County, ca. 1922
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: 4-H Tour, Grant County, Mt. Range scene
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: E.R. Jackman in grass nursery, Grant County
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Hay rake, Grant County, ca. 1944
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Morrow County, Eat more Lamb campaign, ca. 1930
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: 1928 Morrow County, plowing with tractor
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Beekeeping club meeting, Umatilla County, 1922
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Wallowa County Livestock club member
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Cliff Conrad with Champion herd
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Scrap rubber drive in Union County netted 150 tons
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Camp dispensary, Athena and Milton Freewater farm labor camps
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: 4-H pig scramble, Morrow County
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Baker County Extension Staff, 1940
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Baker County's first Baby Beef Day
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Cowboy Parade, Baker, Oregon
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Shipment of silk and nylon hosiery by the Baker County Salvage Committee, 1943
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Joe Oliver and branding crew at the Joe Oliver Ranch, near John Day, Oregon
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Joe Oliver and Grant County Extension Agent, W. K. Farrell looking at cottonseed cake feeder for cattle, 1951
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Joe Oliver on horseback, Grant County, Oregon