OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Type of gun traded to Indians
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Home of Dr. John McLaughlin at Oregon City, Oregon
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Prairie schooner crossing the mountains
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: First post office west of the Rocky Mountains, at Astoria, Oregon
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: First Protestant Church in Oregon
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: School house in Portland, Oregon
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: First church built south of Salem at Jacksonville, Oregon
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Territorial capital at Corvallis, Oregon
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: The Dalles of Columbia River
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Bakery at Fort Dalles, Oregon
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Oregon's first customs house
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Courthouse at Oregon City, Oregon