ostensiblyclear: hiro-chan!
ostensiblyclear: kids out in force
ostensiblyclear: i wonder what it smells like?
ostensiblyclear: skater chick
ostensiblyclear: street shots
ostensiblyclear: skater chick takes flight!
ostensiblyclear: street shots
ostensiblyclear: street shots
ostensiblyclear: it starts!
ostensiblyclear: sapporo time out
ostensiblyclear: it's fun, try!
ostensiblyclear: freedom!
ostensiblyclear: note mom coming
ostensiblyclear: yakisoba
ostensiblyclear: letting go
ostensiblyclear: tetris meets construction
ostensiblyclear: in front of a pachinko parlor
ostensiblyclear: promoting an upcoming festival
ostensiblyclear: alien space kitty
ostensiblyclear: amazing Showa hair
ostensiblyclear: in case of rain
ostensiblyclear: secret snap of baby with amazing blond fringe!
ostensiblyclear: it's a dog stroller
ostensiblyclear: it's supposed to be an ad for a waterpark.
ostensiblyclear: this dude was staring at me