ostensiblyclear: canada plane
ostensiblyclear: vancouver underneath
ostensiblyclear: oh my god cheap produce
ostensiblyclear: unpackaged produce!
ostensiblyclear: cheap cheap apples
ostensiblyclear: my sister
ostensiblyclear: mmmm. xmas squares.
ostensiblyclear: christmas morning stollen
ostensiblyclear: mmmm, stocking
ostensiblyclear: alanna likes her monkey slippers
ostensiblyclear: turkey...
ostensiblyclear: mmm, food from the asshole
ostensiblyclear: mmmm gravy
ostensiblyclear: mmm stuffing
ostensiblyclear: mmm christmas dinner
ostensiblyclear: also my sister
ostensiblyclear: mmmm squares...
ostensiblyclear: the river is frozen
ostensiblyclear: and then there were beaver
ostensiblyclear: kids science museum!
ostensiblyclear: gay slaves
ostensiblyclear: lego slaves!
ostensiblyclear: pixelated lego vases
ostensiblyclear: wicked bubble wall
ostensiblyclear: newyearseve
ostensiblyclear: househunting
ostensiblyclear: oh vancouver at 420
ostensiblyclear: serena my little cousin
ostensiblyclear: serena with a weird black helmet on
ostensiblyclear: mmm english bay