ostensiblyclear: knackered meitetsu guy
ostensiblyclear: fake pass out kim
ostensiblyclear: laughing kim & liv post fake passout
ostensiblyclear: kim's happy go lucky face
ostensiblyclear: tired kim, mouth open
ostensiblyclear: blue kim crystal clear eyes
ostensiblyclear: here's lookin at you
ostensiblyclear: is it a wild boar...
ostensiblyclear: nowhereseville, two global celebrities
ostensiblyclear: narrow door
ostensiblyclear: across from the mental health satellite clinic
ostensiblyclear: we are goodbye pros
ostensiblyclear: love bus & subway
ostensiblyclear: who says japanese kids don't point
ostensiblyclear: john, some guy, and the sugar daddy
ostensiblyclear: blurry mama-san
ostensiblyclear: segway disclaimer
ostensiblyclear: john segway
ostensiblyclear: i think you need to have better posture to ride this well
ostensiblyclear: this is my wooooo face
ostensiblyclear: the tea ceremony robot
ostensiblyclear: metropolis schematic...
ostensiblyclear: i heart metropolis
ostensiblyclear: where it all began, kind of
ostensiblyclear: i just think it's cool to experience stuff from my life time, in a museum
ostensiblyclear: my dad totally had an omnibot
ostensiblyclear: it says ROBOT SEXY
ostensiblyclear: the avoider
ostensiblyclear: not only...but also
ostensiblyclear: i was a little disturbed by Darling