hudson: Fresh out of the acid bath
hudson: Pipes in acid
hudson: Original state
hudson: Filthy frames, closeup right side
hudson: Filthy frames, right side
hudson: Filthy frames, left side
hudson: Disassembly
hudson: Scale inside the boiler
hudson: Almost everything removed
hudson: Powered up for the first time
hudson: Before and after
hudson: Boiler removal
hudson: Disassembly 2
hudson: Reassembled 2
hudson: Reassembled
hudson: Reassembly
hudson: Espresso pump failure
hudson: Cleaned and re-gasketed groupheads
hudson: Group head servicing
hudson: New solenoid valve installed
hudson: Irritant. Corrosive. Kosher.
hudson: Almost an espresso flower
hudson: Coffee and code
hudson: Espresso tasting
hudson: Not a coffee bean
hudson: Cimbali M29 mainboard
hudson: Stumptown Coldbrew at the office
hudson: Iced coffee keg at the office
hudson: Iced coffee emergency
hudson: Office espresso