j.imac: One man and his dog (Winter version)
j.imac: Troon and beach
j.imac: Too far to swim
j.imac: The great outdoors
j.imac: Walking the dog
j.imac: Golden glow
j.imac: Cromer Beach
j.imac: Park Life
j.imac: An afternoon walk
j.imac: Hulking giants
j.imac: Winter returns
j.imac: One man and his dog (Autumn version)(Explore November 2014)
j.imac: Troon beach.
j.imac: Rainbow's end
j.imac: Rearguard
j.imac: Woodland walk
j.imac: Prestwick beach
j.imac: Winter Walk
j.imac: Forestry operations
j.imac: Striding out
j.imac: Man and dog
j.imac: Beach gathering
j.imac: Storm clouds
j.imac: Man and dog
j.imac: Flaming June !!!
j.imac: Looking for the light
j.imac: Dog walkers
j.imac: Spring on Arran
j.imac: Pals
j.imac: Blue