osixandseven: Poetry and Paint
osixandseven: In park
osixandseven: The Door in Mösern
osixandseven: It could be an advertisement
osixandseven: College St. W. in Winter
osixandseven: Symmetry in Flevoland
osixandseven: Mesmerized by Music
osixandseven: There's no need for a balcony, if you're a cat
osixandseven: I know the only place we can be alone
osixandseven: The Lime on Hoogte Kadijk
osixandseven: It's a Balcony Culture
osixandseven: I Want You For Belgium
osixandseven: Siena, and it's raining.
osixandseven: Morning at the CVH parking garage
osixandseven: True Convenience in Brabant
osixandseven: Precarious
osixandseven: When the rain breaks at stavangerweg...
osixandseven: An Exercise in Ownership
osixandseven: Colourful celebrations
osixandseven: Rising with Shadows
osixandseven: Nîmois
osixandseven: Swiss Guard
osixandseven: Up here, we're above it all.
osixandseven: Day Dream
osixandseven: In need of a little touch-up