eoshea: another garden shot
eoshea: our room at the b&b
eoshea: another shot of the garden
eoshea: the patio at the b&b
eoshea: chuck at the b&b
eoshea: the gang's all here
eoshea: gardens
eoshea: imagery winery
eoshea: mayo winery. we went there, I think.
eoshea: bellying up to the bar
eoshea: sunny the lab
eoshea: the garden
eoshea: the garden at a captain's house
eoshea: IMG_0490.jpg
eoshea: IMG_0492.jpg
eoshea: becky waiting for a belly rub
eoshea: making plans
eoshea: getting into the limo, day two
eoshea: kenny and dina
eoshea: at silver oak
eoshea: flowers
eoshea: sally and carole
eoshea: herman and his limo
eoshea: castello di amarosa
eoshea: castello di amarosa
eoshea: castello di amarosa
eoshea: castello di amarosa
eoshea: castello di amarosa
eoshea: chuck and carole at castello di amarosa
eoshea: castello di amarosa