Oschlag: King's Square: The sun behind the tranparent framework of the cube
Oschlag: King's Square: New in front of old - The Royal Theater as stage for the cube
Oschlag: King's Square: Old in front of new - elderly man checking his cellular ind front of the cube
Oschlag: King's Square: Inside the cube - lot's of drawers
Oschlag: King's Square: The cube has landed
Oschlag: King's Square: Carpenter pushing front display
Oschlag: King's Square: Carpenter lifting front display
Oschlag: King's Square: Meta something - carpenter working on design to improve work
Oschlag: Town Hall Square: The wiki concept on display in the award cube
Oschlag: Town Hall Square: The award cube made of tranparent and reflecting material
Oschlag: Town Hall Square: Futuristic view of people waling in and out between the four expo cubes
Oschlag: Town Hall Square: Man reading the info placed outside the award cube
Oschlag: Town Hall Square: Working on the future - carpenters about to finish the interior of the expo cubes
Oschlag: Town Hall Square: A sneak peek inside an otherwise sealed expo cube due to open later today or tommorow acording to the men working
Oschlag: Town Hall Square: Beyond Kubricks Space Odyssey - 2010 is the new mantra. Printed on every expo cube
Oschlag: Town Hall Square: Three men strolling between the five cubes on the Town Hall Square