oscepa: OSCE PA 30th AS - Registration
oscepa: Registration
oscepa: OSCE PA 30th AS - Registration
oscepa: Vancouver Convention Center
oscepa: President Cederfelt at the Registration desk
oscepa: OSCE PA 30th AS - Registration
oscepa: Registration
oscepa: OSCE PA 30th AS - Registration
oscepa: Delegation of San Marino at registration
oscepa: Registration
oscepa: Registration
oscepa: SG Montella addressing the briefing for Secretaries of Delegations
oscepa: Deputy SG Pallares addressing the briefing of Secretaries of Delegations
oscepa: Treasurer Juel-Jensen
oscepa: Standing Committee
oscepa: Standing Committee
oscepa: Special Representative on Eastern Europe De Ridder (Germany)
oscepa: President Cederfelt addressing the Standing Committee
oscepa: Vice-President Pere Joan Pons (Spain)
oscepa: Romanian Delegation
oscepa: Vice-Chair of the Third Committee Farah Karimi (The Netherlands)
oscepa: Rapporteur of the Third Committee Buser (Sweden) and Head of Swedish Delegation Soder
oscepa: Head of Delegation of France Lecamp
oscepa: Head of Delegation of Ireland Creed
oscepa: Vice-President Charalambides (Cyprus)
oscepa: Head of Delegation of Canada Dr. Fry
oscepa: Head of Delegation of United Kingdom Pritchard
oscepa: Head of Delegation of Lithuania Aleknaite Abramikiene
oscepa: SG Montella addressing the Standing Committee
oscepa: Chair of First Committee Hudson (United States of America)