OSCE PA President George Tsereteli's signature on the Golden guest book at the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg, 25-26 March 2019
Joint meeting with the Members of the Standing Committee, the Members of the Luxembourg delegation to the OSCE PA and the Members of the Committee on Foreign and European Affairs, Cooperation, Immigration and Asylum, 25 March 2019
Henri Kox, Deputy Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg, 25 March 2019
Joint meeting with the Members of the Standing Committee, the Members of the Luxembourg delegation to the OSCE PA and the Members of the Committee on Foreign and European Affairs, Cooperation, Immigration and Asylum, 25 March 2019
Joint meeting with the Members of the Standing Committee, the Members of the Luxembourg delegation to the OSCE PA and the Members of the Committee on Foreign and European Affairs, Cooperation, Immigration and Asylum, 25 March 2019
Joint meeting with the Members of the Standing Committee, the Members of the Luxembourg delegation to the OSCE PA and the Members of the Committee on Foreign and European Affairs, Cooperation, Immigration and Asylum, 25 March 2019
Fernand Etgen, Speaker of the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies, 25 March 2019
CFA Marieta Samac, Deputy SG Gustavo Pallares, OSCE PA President George Tsereteli and SG Roberto Montella at the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies, 25 March 2019
CFA Marieta Samac, Deputy SG Gustavo Pallares, OSCE PA President George Tsereteli and SG Roberto Montella at the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies, 25 March 2019
Joint meeting with the Members of the Standing Committee, the Members of the Luxembourg delegation to the OSCE PA and the Members of the Committee on Foreign and European Affairs, Cooperation, Immigration and Asylum, 25 March 2019
CFA Marieta Samac, Deputy SG Gustavo Pallares, OSCE PA President George Tsereteli and SG Roberto Montella at the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies, 25 March 2019
OSCE PA President George Tsereteli and Secretary General Roberto Montella's meetings at the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg, 25 March 2019
CFA Marieta Samac, Deputy SG Gustavo Pallares, OSCE PA President George Tsereteli and SG Roberto Montella at the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies, 25 March 2019
President George Tsereteli at the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies, 25 March 2019
Group photo at the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg, 25 March 2019
Group photo at the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg, 25 March 2019
President George Tsereteli meeting Members of the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies, 25 March 2019
President George Tsereteli meeting Members of the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies, 25 March 2019
President George Tsereteli at the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies, 25 March 2019
President of OSCE PA George Tsereteli, SG Roberto Montella, Eugene Berger, Head of Luxembourg Delegation, Speaker Fernand Etgen, and Marc Angel, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign and European Affairs, Cooperation, Immigration and Asylum, 25 March 2019
President of OSCE PA George Tsereteli and Fernand Etgen, Speaker of the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies, 25 March 2019
President George Tsereteli signing the Golden Guest Book at the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies, 25 March 2019
President of OSCE PA George Tsereteli, SG Roberto Montella, Eugene Berger, Head of Luxembourg Delegation, Speaker Fernand Etgen, and Marc Angel, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign and European Affairs, Cooperation, Immigration and Asylum, 25 March 2019
President of OSCE PA George Tsereteli, Eugene Berger, Head of Luxembourg Delegation, Speaker Fernand Etgen, and Marc Angel, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign and European Affairs, Cooperation, Immigration and Asylum, 25 March 2019
President George Tsereteli signing the Golden Guest Book at the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies, 25 March 2019
President of OSCE PA George Tsereteli meeting Eugene Berger, Head of the Luxembourg delegation to the OSCE PA, 25 March 2019
President of OSCE PA George Tsereteli, Fernand Etgen, Speaker of the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies, and Marc Angel, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign and European Affairs, Cooperation, Immigration and Asylum, 25 March 2019
President of OSCE PA George Tsereteli, Fernand Etgen, Speaker of the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies, and Marc Angel, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign and European Affairs, Cooperation, Immigration and Asylum, 25 March 2019
President of OSCE PA George Tsereteli and Fernand Etgen, Speaker of the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies, 25 March 2019