oscepa: Arta Dade (Albania) speaks at the Standing Committee, Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: Bilateral meeting between OSCE PA Pres. Ilkka Kanerva, left, and Russian Parl. Speaker Sergey Naryshkin, Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: Delegates greet each other before the Standing Committee meets, Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: First Committee Rapporteur Margareta Cederfelt (Sweden) addresses Standing Committee, Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: James Walsh (Ireland) speaks at the Standing Committee meeting, Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: OSCE PA Pres. Ilkka Kanerva (Finland) delivers opening address at the Winter Meeting in Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: OSCE PA Special Rep for the Baltic Sea Area Juergen Klimke (Germany) addresses the Standing Committee, Vienna, 25 Vienna 2016
oscepa: OSCE PA Special Rep on Border Issues Ignacio Sanchez Amor addresses the Standing Committee, Vienna, 25 Vienna 2016
oscepa: OSCE PA Special Rep on Mediterranean Affairs addresses the Standing Committee, Vienna, 25 Vienna 2016
oscepa: OSCE PA Standing Committee meeting in Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: OSCE PA Standing Committee meeting, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: OSCE PA Standing Committee meeting, Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: OSCE PA Vice-Pres. Christine Muttonen (Austria) speaks at the Standing Committee meeting, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: OSCE PA Vice-Pres. Kent Harstedt (Sweden) speaks at the Standing Committee meeting, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: OSCE PA Winter Meeting in Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: Pres. Ilkka Kanerva (Finland) chairs the Standing Committee meeting, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: Ranko Krivokapic (Montenegro) and Isabel Santos (Portugal) speak at the Standing Committee meeting, Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: Russian Parliament Speaker Sergey Naryshkin, left, meets OSCE PA Pres. Ilkka Kanerva, Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: Special Rep on Anti-Terrorism Nikolay Kovalev speaks at the Winter Meeting, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: Third Committee Vice-Chair Ivana Dobesova (Czech Republic) speaks at the Standing Committee meeting, Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: Victor Dolidze (Georgia) interviewed during the Winter Meeting in Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: Viktor Guminsky (Belarus) and Ivana Dobesova (Czech Republic) speak before the Standing Committee meeting, Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: Viktor Guminsky (Belarus) speaks at the Standing Committee meeting in Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: Arta Dade (MP, Albania) addresses the Second Committee, Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: Finnish Ambassador to the OSCE Katja Pehrman and Third Committee Vice-Chair Ivana Dobesova, Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: General Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions (Third Committee), Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: Halil Yigitguden, Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities addresses OSCE PA Second Committee, Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: Halil Yigitguden, Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities addresses Second Committee, Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: OSCE PA President Ilkka Kanerva (MP, Finland) gives an interview, Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016
oscepa: OSCE PA Second Committee meeting, Vienna, 25 Feb. 2016