rockwolf: Harley!
Meili-PP Hua 2: 502. Homer
mapecard: Southern Masked Weaver (Ploceus velatus), Namibia.
npbiffar: Rain In The Night
Kamal Mohideen's Photography: Sunset @Bukit Panjang, Singapore Panjang (Chinese: 武吉班让, Tamil: பக்கிட் பஞ்சாங்), formerly known as Zhenghua[4] and often abbreviated as Bt Panjang, is a planning area and residential town located in the W
Kamal Mohideen's Photography: Golden Orb Weaver
Kamal Mohideen's Photography: Moringa Tree Branch
Kamal Mohideen's Photography: Pleasant weather @ Singapore Botanic Gardens
Kamal Mohideen's Photography: Prayer Hall, Masjid Jamae (Chulia), Singapore
Kamal Mohideen's Photography: Sunset @ Choa Chu Kang, Singapore
Kamal Mohideen's Photography: Masjid Abdul Gaffoor, Singapore
Kamal Mohideen's Photography: Traditional Brazilian sort of Portulaca grandiflora
Kamal Mohideen's Photography: Grass-Hopper on Tree
Kamal Mohideen's Photography: Sunset iPhone - Long Exposure