Missy2004: Back to grains of Marble dust
Missy2004: Sliced
Missy2004: The Destruction Ceremony
Missy2004: The Tashi Lhunpo Monks
Missy2004: The Finished Amitayus Mandala
Missy2004: The Amitayus Sand Mandala
Missy2004: Intense Concentration
Missy2004: The instument used to apply the grains of marble
Missy2004: Traditional Mandala (30/52)
Missy2004: Tashi Lhunpo Monks
Missy2004: Gya-Ling The Tibetan Reed Shawm
Missy2004: Scattering the Dust
Missy2004: Blessing the marble dust
Missy2004: Dung-Chen
Missy2004: Monks prepare to lead the Procession
Missy2004: Tashi Lhunpo Monk
Missy2004: Tashi Lhunpo Monk
Missy2004: Tashi Lhunpo Monks