Missy2004: Go Bananas
Missy2004: Red Rhododendron
Missy2004: Kingcup
Missy2004: Those spirals get everywhere.
Missy2004: Gurkha Emblem
Missy2004: Red camellia
Missy2004: Pink Camellia
Missy2004: Stella Magnolia (14/52)
Missy2004: Hellebore
Missy2004: White Magnolia Bud
Missy2004: Deep Pink Magnolia
Missy2004: Pale Rhododendron
Missy2004: Dancing Cone
Missy2004: Magnolia Avenue
Missy2004: Hillier Gardens
Missy2004: Hillier gardens
Missy2004: Vivid Pink magnolia bud
Missy2004: Pink magnolia bud
Missy2004: White Magnolia bud
Missy2004: Gunnera leaves
Missy2004: Gunnera Leaves
Missy2004: Gunnera leaves
Missy2004: Gunnera Seedpod and leaves
Missy2004: Gunnera Seed pod and leaves
Missy2004: Pink Hellebore Sunbathing
Missy2004: Lady of the Lake
Missy2004: Bud and Bokeh
Missy2004: Hillier Gardens
Missy2004: Magnolia bud
Missy2004: Stump Garden