osbo: Biggest hit on Broadway
osbo: Fab
osbo: Dave's New York
osbo: Towers of different eras
osbo: St Paul's spire
osbo: Three Dancing Maidens
osbo: Seinfeld homage
osbo: The Cathedral Church of St. John the Devine
osbo: Man tries to understand what's happened
osbo: Imagining the world outside
osbo: Frenetic
osbo: Introspection
osbo: R.I.P.
osbo: Kilroy ain't here
osbo: Graffiti
osbo: In the limelight
osbo: Helmsley and Met Life Building
osbo: Metropolitan Opera House
osbo: "Mark" (1978-1979)
osbo: Up the stairs
osbo: Touch up
osbo: Adidas Slvr
osbo: Sylvette
osbo: Bright lights
osbo: The New York Times @ night
osbo: Remembrances
osbo: Macy's twilight
osbo: Catching a current
osbo: Parasol
osbo: St Mark's lion