Dave_Lospinoso: Ortley beach December 1, 2014
Dave_Lospinoso: Ortley December 2014
Dave_Lospinoso: December 1st ortley beach nj 2014
Dave_Lospinoso: Casino pier
Dave_Lospinoso: Violent waves at sunrise
Dave_Lospinoso: December 10 2014 ortley beach
Dave_Lospinoso: December 10 2014 ortley beach
Dave_Lospinoso: No waves or fish this morning
Dave_Lospinoso: Beach replenishment
Dave_Lospinoso: Artificially extended beach here in ortley beach new Jersey. Free to visit during the offseason , summer access prohibited between 9-4 if you don't pay a minimum of 10 dollars for a badge. Even the locals paying taxes have to buy a $100 seasonal. Witho
Dave_Lospinoso: Snow on the coast. Ortley beach nj
Dave_Lospinoso: Lake Atlantic. Winter 2015 ortley beach
Dave_Lospinoso: Snow convered beach in new Jersey ortley beach
Dave_Lospinoso: Moon and stars above the Atlantic
Dave_Lospinoso: Last week of December 2014 in ortley beach. Best year of surfing in new Jersey since the 80's. Endless amount of Good waves.
Dave_Lospinoso: Low light performance on mirrorless setup. ortley beach 2015.
Dave_Lospinoso: Another lonely seaside town, where the seasons close it down. Seaside heights January 2015
Dave_Lospinoso: But if you close your eyes you can almost hear the sounds of crowds gone by. Seaside heights January 2015
Dave_Lospinoso: Fall 2014 ortley
Dave_Lospinoso: Clouds and ocean
Dave_Lospinoso: Ortley Beach landscape