almafication: New leather journal from the Papirum shop in Barcelona
almafication: Papirum jounal II : First pages doodled and done
almafication: Papirum jounal II : The second page spread
almafication: Papirum journal II
almafication: Papirum journal II
almafication: Papirum journal II
almafication: 1/9 The process of collage making
almafication: 2/9 The process of collage making
almafication: 3/9 The process of collage making
almafication: 4/9 The process of collage making
almafication: 5/9 The process of collage making
almafication: 6/9 The process of collage making
almafication: 7/9 The process of collage making
almafication: 8/9 The process of collage making
almafication: 9/9 The process of collage making - Completed!
almafication: Doodled wolf in my art journal
almafication: Art Journal
almafication: Art journal
almafication: Art journaling