orlyp: Gluten-free muffins! *nyom nyom*
orlyp: Giant Gingerbread Men
orlyp: A little monkey and a christmas pressie for Eimhín
orlyp: Christmas lights on Regent Street
orlyp: Tower Bridge, annoyingly being repainted
orlyp: Andrew
orlyp: Me
orlyp: Art?
orlyp: HMS Belfast with pretty lights
orlyp: Tower of London
orlyp: Tower Bridge
orlyp: Jubilee Bridge and Charing Cross Station
orlyp: Us
orlyp: The Thames
orlyp: The Eye
orlyp: IMG_0960
orlyp: IMG_0964
orlyp: London from the Eye
orlyp: My tour guide impression
orlyp: Cheeky
orlyp: Capsule
orlyp: Parliament and Big Ben
orlyp: On to Buckingham Palace
orlyp: Iris
orlyp: New hat!!
orlyp: Andrew descending