orlyp: Lined up and my instructor doing the pre-flight checks
orlyp: Helicopter
orlyp: Fuelling
orlyp: Helicopter lesson, with my plane taking off in the background
orlyp: Taking off!
orlyp: Pit-stop!
orlyp: Approaching the airport
orlyp: Weston's runway
orlyp: Lucan golfcourse - looks just like a Lego village :)
orlyp: Lucan
orlyp: Coming in to land
orlyp: Touchdown pt2
orlyp: And down
orlyp: Landed
orlyp: Taxiing
orlyp: Heading back
orlyp: My little Cessna
orlyp: Parked and unpacking
orlyp: IMG_0822
orlyp: Just like Top Gun