orlyp: Earlybirds awaiting their yummy lunch
orlyp: AOECS poster
orlyp: Coeliacs
orlyp: Coeliacs
orlyp: Beshoff's staff working hard to feed us all
orlyp: Meg and Olly
orlyp: Olly enjoying my chips ;-)
orlyp: Olly, Meg and Matthew
orlyp: Coeliac Society of Ireland information sheets
orlyp: Conor, Naoise, Emmanuel, Sean and Suzanne
orlyp: Conor, Naoise, Emmanuel, Sean and Suzanne
orlyp: Bríd, Carmel, Leo and Dave
orlyp: Jessica and Edel
orlyp: Jessica and Edel
orlyp: Jessica and Edel
orlyp: Poster work
orlyp: Karen and Jessica
orlyp: Our lovely hosts
orlyp: IMG_7788
orlyp: IMG_7791
orlyp: Steven and Sarah
orlyp: Jonathan
orlyp: David, Anne and Maria
orlyp: Steven, Sarah and Gerry
orlyp: Noel and Lorna
orlyp: Pearse and Richard Beshoff
orlyp: Victoria and Fionan
orlyp: Helen
orlyp: Máirín, Jonathan, Cian and Bem
orlyp: Helen, David and Anthea,