orlyp: The conference room in Dublin Castle beforehand
orlyp: Dublin Castle conference room
orlyp: Delegates
orlyp: Speakers
orlyp: IMG_7036
orlyp: The podium
orlyp: Brian Nisbet from HEAnet and Barry Rhodes from INEX
orlyp: Mícheál O'Foghlu opening the Summit and welcoming the Minister
orlyp: IMG_7044
orlyp: Minister Eamonn Ryan giving the Ministerial launch
orlyp: IMG_7048
orlyp: IMG_7049
orlyp: IMG_7051
orlyp: IMG_7053
orlyp: IMG_7054
orlyp: IMG_7056
orlyp: IMG_7057
orlyp: IMG_7063
orlyp: IMG_7064
orlyp: IMG_7065
orlyp: Irish IPv6 Task Force
orlyp: IMG_7074
orlyp: IPv6 addresses are this big!
orlyp: IMG_7079
orlyp: IMG_7081
orlyp: IMG_7082
orlyp: IMG_7087
orlyp: IMG_7088
orlyp: IMG_7089
orlyp: IMG_7092