orlyp: Karol gives me the traditional welcome
orlyp: Karol in Saint Genis
orlyp: IMG_0525
orlyp: Just before the maiming...
orlyp: IMG_0527
orlyp: Waiting for the bus back to CERN
orlyp: Karol isn't taking Ireland's defeat well
orlyp: IMG_0530
orlyp: IMG_0531
orlyp: IMG_0532
orlyp: Say Aarrgh!
orlyp: Jonny!
orlyp: The Juras
orlyp: CERN - the French side
orlyp: Saint Genis Pouilly
orlyp: Border Hopping
orlyp: The ball of making stuff up
orlyp: Karol and a bit of a particle accelerator
orlyp: Karol hard at work
orlyp: Jonny, actually working ;)
orlyp: Porsche in a bubble
orlyp: I still can't work out why it's in a bubble
orlyp: St. Genis by night
orlyp: IMG_0550
orlyp: Karol is *so* shy
orlyp: Downstairs in Charly's
orlyp: IMG_0553
orlyp: IMG_0554
orlyp: CERN
orlyp: IMG_0556