Orin Zebest: Stuffed
Orin Zebest: Gotta Hand it to 'im
Orin Zebest: Douche
Orin Zebest: Gizzard!
Orin Zebest: Upshot
Orin Zebest: It's a...
Orin Zebest: Ok; it's a paperclip
Orin Zebest: It's a GIANT paperclip
Orin Zebest: Attack!
Orin Zebest: OhnoI'mdyingoflaughter
Orin Zebest: Not only that...
Orin Zebest: Cliphead
Orin Zebest: Yay!
Orin Zebest: Oh. No. You. Didn't.
Orin Zebest: Ohnoyoudont
Orin Zebest: Hm...
Orin Zebest: Ha ha
Orin Zebest: Nggg
Orin Zebest: Clipped
Orin Zebest: Bein' Sneaky
Orin Zebest: Clippy Mickey
Orin Zebest: Clippy Mickey (stage 2: acceptance)
Orin Zebest: Josh Grins
Orin Zebest: Look, Ok... Look
Orin Zebest: Towel, Twist
Orin Zebest: Nothing to it
Orin Zebest: See!?
Orin Zebest: Smirk Smirk
Orin Zebest: Oh Joy!
Orin Zebest: Joy Joy!