originalhotsauce: eve n steve in bunks
originalhotsauce: cool light in our room
originalhotsauce: black squirrel!
originalhotsauce: black squirrels!
originalhotsauce: liquor store
originalhotsauce: fire escape
originalhotsauce: tranny mannequins
originalhotsauce: usa2007 322
originalhotsauce: usa2007 323
originalhotsauce: usa2007 324
originalhotsauce: usa2007 325
originalhotsauce: usa2007 326
originalhotsauce: usa2007 327
originalhotsauce: usa2007 328
originalhotsauce: empire state shrouded in mist
originalhotsauce: full band aboard the tube!
originalhotsauce: full band on board the subway!
originalhotsauce: steve n eve on the subway
originalhotsauce: louise rides the subway
originalhotsauce: usa2007 335
originalhotsauce: usa2007 336
originalhotsauce: home of the hot dog eating contest
originalhotsauce: nathan's take home food
originalhotsauce: gutsing swine's wall of fame
originalhotsauce: eldorado auto skooters
originalhotsauce: bump yo' ass off
originalhotsauce: usa2007 339
originalhotsauce: looka looka looka