*brit*girl*: In the rain next to the Rhein
*brit*girl*: Cologne cathedral
*brit*girl*: Typical Germany :)
*brit*girl*: The yellow one
*brit*girl*: Mollie reads the guide book
*brit*girl*: Weeze sign
*brit*girl*: old house
*brit*girl*: street sign
*brit*girl*: back of old house
*brit*girl*: down our street
*brit*girl*: weeze {1}
*brit*girl*: weeze {2}
*brit*girl*: Weeze's church spire
*brit*girl*: spaghetti eis
*brit*girl*: Hees bend
*brit*girl*: Airport Weeze entrance
*brit*girl*: astra1
*brit*girl*: astra {2}
*brit*girl*: laarbruch sign 2
*brit*girl*: 16 Sqn saint
*brit*girl*: breaking the rules...
*brit*girl*: Weeze airport
*brit*girl*: ice cream parlour, weeze
*brit*girl*: with daddy's help
*brit*girl*: train across the Rhine
*brit*girl*: Rhine, from Cologne
*brit*girl*: Dan & Moll -mirrorimage
*brit*girl*: Daisy walking with me
*brit*girl*: parking sign