origami joel: Tansu
origami joel: how much is that doggie in the window?
origami joel: the event
origami joel: lots of good stuff
origami joel: who do I see?
origami joel: paper artwork
origami joel: oblivious to the dangers lurking overhead
origami joel: Joan Son teaches a class
origami joel: Joel folds
origami joel: Tansu
origami joel: Tansu
origami joel: phizz modulars
origami joel: tesellations abound
origami joel: more tessellations
origami joel: modulars
origami joel: masks
origami joel: tessellations
origami joel: Tansu
origami joel: masks on display
origami joel: masks on display
origami joel: tessellations
origami joel: More masks on the wall
origami joel: houston2