OrianaX: Niccolina in the ER
OrianaX: Christopher
OrianaX: Christopher 2
OrianaX: Ant
OrianaX: Bojzena the new Court Baroness
OrianaX: Bojzena's scroll is read
OrianaX: HRM Valharic helps Bojzena rise
OrianaX: Bojzena hugging HRM Valhalric
OrianaX: HRM Arielle speaks to Bojzena
OrianaX: Bojzena receives her scroll
OrianaX: TJ & Bojzena leave Court
OrianaX: TJ & Bojzena 2
OrianaX: Crusaders lined up
OrianaX: Crusaders entering Court 1
OrianaX: Crusaders entering Court 2
OrianaX: Crusaders entering Court 3
OrianaX: Crusaders entering Court 4
OrianaX: The presentation begins
OrianaX: Sir Mark speaks for the Saracens 1
OrianaX: Sir Mark speaks for the Saracens 2
OrianaX: Sir Mark speaks for the Saracens 3
OrianaX: Achbar takes the Crescent
OrianaX: Taking the Crescent 1
OrianaX: Taking the Crescent 2
OrianaX: Taking the Crescent 3
OrianaX: Taking the Crescent 4
OrianaX: Sir Bryce explains the battle 1
OrianaX: Sir Bryce explains the battle 2
OrianaX: The presentation ends
OrianaX: Crusaders and Saracens exit Court