organizingthesoup: golden hour
organizingthesoup: g'morning. -sleepyhead
organizingthesoup: Full disclosure: I hadn't actually looked out the window recently till I saw all your cloud pics on instagram.
organizingthesoup: Battery Park from the Hudson (my apt building is right behind the sailboat)
organizingthesoup: WTC tower lights are out, but the rows of trees at the memorial are lit up.
organizingthesoup: [taken during Sandy] looking east at FiDi
organizingthesoup: weds morning after Sandy: world financial center & 1 WTC
organizingthesoup: Top half of 1 World Trade lit up again
organizingthesoup: golden hour
organizingthesoup: into the fog
organizingthesoup: 1 WTC giving the Rockefeller tree a run for its money
organizingthesoup: WTC holiday lights, sunrise edition
organizingthesoup: first sunrise of 2013
organizingthesoup: 1 WTC reflecting off of 1 WFC
organizingthesoup: low full moon in the distance
organizingthesoup: 1 World Trade reflected in 4 World Trade #underconstruction
organizingthesoup: #1776 #WTC
organizingthesoup: #underconstruction #DUMBO #wtc