organizingthesoup: Friday: Jack in Battery Park, looking out at the Hudson
organizingthesoup: Saturday: OWS is back? Hurricane prep is underway? Nah --Christmas lights are going up. Obvi.
organizingthesoup: Sunday: zuccotti park, ready for the holidays
organizingthesoup: Sunday: Gorgeous day for a street fair.
organizingthesoup: Fountain in Battery Park, strapped down before Sandy.
organizingthesoup: covering the subway grates
organizingthesoup: Battery Park priorities: IN ORDER. #ZoneA #bagelscomefirst
organizingthesoup: Chillin'. #ZoneA
organizingthesoup: EVACUATE THE PUPPIES #ZoneA
organizingthesoup: Shake Shack: short line now, closing early tonight. #ZoneA #PSA
organizingthesoup: Empty north side of the marina, 1pm Sunday
organizingthesoup: Sunday night, 5pm: Our neighbors are either out of town, or simply do not give a flying (pun intended) f--k.
organizingthesoup: "Found my bunker."
organizingthesoup: Sunday, 2 am: workin' on a song about Sandy
organizingthesoup: currently.
organizingthesoup: We're in a pile of blankets on the floor, staying the ef away from windows. #sandy
organizingthesoup: WTC tower lights are out, but the rows of trees at the memorial are lit up.
organizingthesoup: workers cleaning out the reflecting pools at the 9/11 memorial
organizingthesoup: workers cleaning out the reflecting pools at the 9/11 memorial
organizingthesoup: [taken during Sandy] looking east at FiDi
organizingthesoup: weds morning after Sandy: world financial center & 1 WTC
organizingthesoup: Lunch with @khuyi at a packed PJ Clarke's in Battery Park
organizingthesoup: wednesday: lunch at PJ Clarke's in Battery Park
organizingthesoup: post-sandy menu at PJ Clarke's
organizingthesoup: North End Grill
organizingthesoup: Shake Shack, reopened
organizingthesoup: our first refugee, Keith! Zuki is excited to have another human to lick incessantly.
organizingthesoup: Top half of 1 World Trade lit up again