organizingthesoup: Bright lights
organizingthesoup: Lets's play Track Roulette! Which track will Haverhill be? Need to get a seat before all the drunk Celts fans do. #northstation
organizingthesoup: No, no, YOU! I insist.
organizingthesoup: Cheddar+goat cheese+avocado FTW. (I call this "the bridesmaid's diet," obvi.)
organizingthesoup: the charles
organizingthesoup: boston sand & gravel
organizingthesoup: Spooky hallway
organizingthesoup: marathon signage
organizingthesoup: the lovely @kelocity at the finish line
organizingthesoup: the finish line
organizingthesoup: south station
organizingthesoup: Home stretch! What's for dinner?
organizingthesoup: calendar girl
organizingthesoup: boston public garden
organizingthesoup: let's dance