organizingthesoup: The emperor has no hair
organizingthesoup: Aaron (@schildkrout) is killin it at NY Tech Meetup! Making HowAboutWe proud
organizingthesoup: The man in the funny hat is in charge of your dating life*, and my career. Good luck to us all.
organizingthesoup: I mean, why *wouldn't* you want to?
organizingthesoup: "Wait, why are we even getting an office? We should just work here allll the time."
organizingthesoup: Lunch break w @makeshiftalisha at Papatzul. Feeling feverish.
organizingthesoup: So far we have the basement to ourselves. And my latte didn't cost $8. 88 Orchard FTW
organizingthesoup: Hey team @howaboutwe you'd better get here quick so we can stake out a spot. cc @makeshiftalisha @bschech
organizingthesoup: Breakout session wrap-up at #cmmeetup (@ meetup HQ)
organizingthesoup: Hey sexy (@howaboutwe's new HQ)
organizingthesoup: "Hammocks with ladders is a good idea." @Schildkrout (@bschech demonstrates))
organizingthesoup: "I want maps on the walls, guys." @bschech & @Schildkrout in their new kingdom
organizingthesoup: Legs for miles.
organizingthesoup: I suggested the last thing as a joke, but apparently it's serious business.
organizingthesoup: HowAboutWe HQ
organizingthesoup: the view from HowAboutWe HQ
organizingthesoup: aaron & brian
organizingthesoup: conference area
organizingthesoup: Poor Chiara
organizingthesoup: We are trying (and failing) to film a @howaboutwe team VYou intro video. Stay tuned.
organizingthesoup: Pretty sure @conigrl should bring Pepper to @HowAboutWe HQ every day, yup.
organizingthesoup: HowAboutWe Greenery
organizingthesoup: Meta cheese