organizingthesoup: "is she randy?"
organizingthesoup: open to interpretation
organizingthesoup: attention editor
organizingthesoup: way more.
organizingthesoup: Said with Boston accent
organizingthesoup: Grade A Jumbo, indeed
organizingthesoup: What does it mean when there's no fortune...AND no cookie?
organizingthesoup: she'll have a slice
organizingthesoup: Well, that's a little creepy.
organizingthesoup: i think maybe Lucy got kicked in the face by Charlie Brown
organizingthesoup: "Whadaya want for Christmas, dear?" "How about a remote control, babyface?"
organizingthesoup: "Swim down! Swim down!"
organizingthesoup: an underachiever's diary: "worth reading!"
organizingthesoup: brooklyn superhero supply co.
organizingthesoup: it's too easy
organizingthesoup: Oh no they didn't
organizingthesoup: Last 3 songs: The Sign, Motown Philly, and this.
organizingthesoup: misplaced commas will be the death of us all
organizingthesoup: thanks for the FREE BEER
organizingthesoup: nice haircut.