Oregon Natural Desert Association: Sheep fence burned in 2017 fire
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Sheep fence burned in 2017 fire
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Folding Sheep Fence.
Oregon Natural Desert Association: After the fence has been removed
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Resting before untangling fence from the weeds
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Removing Sheep Fence
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Rolling Barbed wire and pulling posts
Oregon Natural Desert Association: A well Oiled Machine/Team removing fence
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Rolling up barbed wire fence
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Inspecting beaver dams
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Fence removal in progress
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Cache of removed fence along the road
Oregon Natural Desert Association: View down the fence line and the doomed road
Oregon Natural Desert Association: The doomed road and the relentless sun
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Explaining the plan for the day
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Inset floodplain along the Creek
Oregon Natural Desert Association: A beaver pond on Hay Creek
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Trail Camera set up for documenting beaver activity
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Happy Beaver Believers back at Camp
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Too large a roll of wire
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Cache pile of pulled fence
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Looking at beaver ponds on Hay Creek
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Explaining how to disassemble a barbed wire fence
Oregon Natural Desert Association: What counts as lunchtime shade
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Only Shade on the Hay Creek Uplands