Oregon Natural Desert Association: our home away from home: Succor Creek State Park
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Fun for the whole family as the amphitheater opens up in Juniper Gulch
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Juniper Gulch panorama
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Making our way up the wash in Juniper Gulch
Oregon Natural Desert Association: along the way in Juniper Gulch
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Volunteers get an extended view of Mahogany Mountain coming back down into Juniper Gulch
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Off of the Leslie Gulch road the ash outcroppings give off a soft glow
Oregon Natural Desert Association: The Roostercomb marks the area to take a (quick) dip in Lake Owyhee
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Late afternoon sun covers the Cathedral in Timber Gulch
Oregon Natural Desert Association: You have to see for yourself Timber Gulch's Cathedral
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Painted Canyon- home of the old growth sagebrush
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Awesome panorama of the confluence of Painted Canyon and Carleton Canyon
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Monoliths along Painted Canyon
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Could this make an exquisite sundial?
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Fleeting clouds and tall sage in Painted Canyon
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Herpetologists rejoice!
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Reenacting the opening scene of 2001- A Space Odyssey
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Think how many side canyons in this place!
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Survivors of the 11-mile trip through Painted Canyon enjoy a cold one
Oregon Natural Desert Association: ONDA hikers enjoy the historic horse corrals in Three Fingers Gulch
Oregon Natural Desert Association: More of the stone fences used to trap horses in Three Fingers
Oregon Natural Desert Association: Panorama with sunrise in Succor Creek State Park