OregonDOT: Registration
OregonDOT: The vendor hall
OregonDOT: Traffic Safety Supply Company table
OregonDOT: Rimriser display
OregonDOT: Motor Carrier Compliance table
OregonDOT: Bryan Diggins and Jeff Thatcher
OregonDOT: Looking for a name badge
OregonDOT: Safety Symposium
OregonDOT: Chatting before the conference begins
OregonDOT: David Kim speaks with Justin Moderie
OregonDOT: Mac Lynde meets and greets
OregonDOT: A welcome message from Mac Lynde
OregonDOT: Attendees fill the conference center
OregonDOT: Audience members
OregonDOT: Listening to the presentations
OregonDOT: Lessons Learned panelists
OregonDOT: Lessons Learned panel discussion
OregonDOT: Paul Scarlett, Oregon DOT
OregonDOT: Networking time
OregonDOT: Sven Johnson and Christy Jordan chat between sessions
OregonDOT: Jason Fender, TFT Construction, and John Gambatese, OSU
OregonDOT: Mobility and Permitting Process
OregonDOT: ODOT Mobility and Permitting Process
OregonDOT: Lee Cole, CRH Americas Materials
OregonDOT: David Kim poses a question
OregonDOT: Cord Wood, OSP
OregonDOT: Dangerous Driving and Work Zone Enforcement
OregonDOT: John Hickey, APAO
OregonDOT: Lunch break!
OregonDOT: The Coral Sales team