OregonDOT: OR 204 slide repairs
OregonDOT: OR 204 slide and flooding
OregonDOT: Oregon 62 rock blast_Jan31_2020
OregonDOT: 2_OR62RockBlast_Jan312020
OregonDOT: OR62_BlastAfterMathHorzJan31_2020
OregonDOT: OR62_BlastAftermathVertical_Jan31_2020
OregonDOT: 'Let get the road open conference'_Jan31_2020
OregonDOT: 1_OR62Rockfall_Jan28_2020
OregonDOT: 4_OR62Rockfall_Jan28_2020
OregonDOT: 5_OR62Rockfall_Jan28_2020
OregonDOT: 3_OR62RockFall_Jan28_2020
OregonDOT: 2_OR62RockFall_Jan28_2020
OregonDOT: Coming out of the shed
OregonDOT: Watson Falls
OregonDOT: Icicles
OregonDOT: Maintenance Yard
OregonDOT: Snow laden trees
OregonDOT: Snow in Jackson County
OregonDOT: Stopped by a fallen tree
OregonDOT: Winter in the woods
OregonDOT: ...compared to three days earlier!
OregonDOT: OR 230 almost ready to open
OregonDOT: OR 230 cleared at Jackson/Douglas county line...
OregonDOT: Stopped for the trees
OregonDOT: Fallen tree blocks OR 138E
OregonDOT: Blower clearing OR 138/230 Junction near Diamond Lake
OregonDOT: OR 230 near Jackson-Douglas county line
OregonDOT: Blowing near Union Creek
OregonDOT: ODOT Maintenance Station
OregonDOT: Cleaning the road, cleaning the plow