Ordnance Survey: 1801 map of Kent
Ordnance Survey: 1969 opening
Ordnance Survey: The Duke with Dr Vanessa Lawrence CB
Ordnance Survey: The Duke and an Ordnance Survey surveyor
Ordnance Survey: Understanding modern surveying
Ordnance Survey: Duke of Edinburgh wearing 3D glasses
Ordnance Survey: The Duke viewing a 3D display
Ordnance Survey: Learning about modern cartography
Ordnance Survey: Staff gather for official opening
Ordnance Survey: The Duke addresses Ordnance Survey staff
Ordnance Survey: A Royal gift
Ordnance Survey: The Duke unveils a plaque to officially open the building
Ordnance Survey: Ordnance Survey royal opening
Ordnance Survey: The Duke signing the Ordnance Survey visitors book
Ordnance Survey: The Duke about to sign the Ordnance Survey visitors book
Ordnance Survey: The Duke of Edinburgh meets children from the nearby Explorers nursery