{Carol Elliott}: chauffer
{Carol Elliott}: pure joy
{Carol Elliott}: the wall
{Carol Elliott}: just the two of us
{Carol Elliott}: new smile
{Carol Elliott}: challenge - frame the fill
{Carol Elliott}: more bubbles
{Carol Elliott}: N is for Natalie
{Carol Elliott}: Challenge - Green
{Carol Elliott}: Mini Golf in the Woods
{Carol Elliott}: my three
{Carol Elliott}: Nat and her Dad
{Carol Elliott}: Lake Nahwatzel
{Carol Elliott}: lifeline
{Carol Elliott}: almost home
{Carol Elliott}: evening at the pool
{Carol Elliott}: king (or queen) of the tube
{Carol Elliott}: first day of school!
{Carol Elliott}: backyard homework
{Carol Elliott}: first meet
{Carol Elliott}: catch your breath
{Carol Elliott}: homecoming foosball
{Carol Elliott}: just the girls
{Carol Elliott}: homecoming '08
{Carol Elliott}: breath deep