orchone: Lettuce seedlings
orchone: So many lettuce seedlings; so little space
orchone: I can hear them chewing
orchone: Struggling lettuce
orchone: Reclaiming the abandoned
orchone: lettuce contd
orchone: The lettuces when they were still tame
orchone: Sun is out so snails are gone
orchone: Wall contd
orchone: Lettuce corner
orchone: Lettuce enemy
orchone: evidence
orchone: leaving the scene of the crime
orchone: Harvest time
orchone: DSCN1059
orchone: Harvest time
orchone: Sandwich time
orchone: Sandwich time
orchone: Sandwich time
orchone: Harvest time
orchone: Washing out bugs (organic lettuce)
orchone: Lettuce toastie!
orchone: A very good lettuce toastie